[Get Hands Dirty] Kubernetes Part 1: Deploying Jhipster Generated Project on Minikube & Kind

Zong Yuan
6 min readJun 13, 2021

Sometimes I feel confused after watched or studied tutorials on internet, or faced a lot issues when trying to apply on real world use cases. That’s why I decided to start this Get Hands Dirty series to apply what I have learned from tutorials. In the mean time, I will document the solutions for those odds/unexpected issues or requirements.


This is my first time trying on kubernetes, before deploy to a real kubernetes, let’s try with local kubernetes such as minikube and kind first to reduce the experiment costs.

Update: Since here already provide a complete tutorial about kubernetes on AWS EKS, I will not write about deploy kubernetes on AWS EKS in the future.


  1. Basic understanding of kubernetes and docker
    - I will skip those terms explanation since there is a lot basic explanations of them everywhere online
  2. Installed Jhipster, Docker, Minikube, kubectl, kind
    - I will skip those installation and configuration here since there is a lots detailed tutorials available on internet

Journey Start


  1. Getting a jhispter project
  2. Build docker image
  3. Prepare kubernetes deployment scripts
  4. Deployment on minikube
  5. Deployment on kind

Getting a jhipster project

To start deployment with kubernetes, the very first thing to do must be prepare a project.

Put your clone/generated project under a clean folder for later usage.

Since I am using jhipster generated project as example here, you may refer to here to create your own project.
Or you may clone my project from here directly.

Build Your Docker Image

After you get the jhipster generated project, you can direct build as docker image with generated config.

./mvnw -ntp -Pprod verify jib:dockerBuild

You might hit docker image pull failed issue, just login your docker account on the terminal you used to build your docker image. (Reference)

After build success, tag and push your docker image to your docker hub account.

docker image tag local-image:tagname new-repo:tagname

docker push new-repo:tagname

The new-repo here is combination of your docker hub account username and the repository name for your images. For example, if I am using zy-example as username and bogateway as repository name, my command line will be

docker image tag bogateway zy-example/bogateway:v0.0.1

docker push zy-example/bogateway:v0.0.1

You can find your pushed docker images on here

Prepare Kubernetes Deployment Scripts

Jhipster has provided functions to create scripts for kubernetes deployment for jhipster projects, we will use that function to create those scripts to ease our setup.

Following instructions are referred from here

Terms definitions I will use at below:

  • Root Folder : The root folder of your project
    Ex: C:\workspace\example\bogateway\
  • Outer Folder : The parent folder of Root Folder
    Ex: C:\workspace\example\
  1. Open a terminal (I was using Windows powershell, but linux related terminal should be working fine)
  2. Create a new folder named k8s in Outer Folder
  3. cd k8s; jhipster kubernetes;
  4. Configure accordingly (Can refer to jhipster website: here)

After configuration, you will have your project kubernetes setup files under <your-project-name>-k8s.

Deployment on minikube

Deploying on actual kubernetes will require some cost, so you might want to try on local minikube before go for it.

Basic minikube setup and start up refer to here

After setup minikube, you can run the script generated by jhipster kubernetes just now to start the deployment on minikube.

You can choose to deploy all at once, change your terminal directory to k8s folder, and run

Or you can deploy specific service only

kubectl apply ./bogateway-k8s/

Remember to deploy registry-k8s first if you are using jhipster-registry for your jhipster projects

Until here, you already success to make your project deployment on minikube. You can open a new terminal and run minikube dashboard to view your deployment status on browser.

You can check overall deployment status on Deployments
You can check pod’s status on Pods. As showing on screenshot, the pod’s status will be red icon if pod is down because of failure, you may click on the icon to get more info.
If you click into the pods, the top right there is a logs button, you can go check on the logs to identify issues.
Services is showing the service opens on the kubernetes. Internal Endpoints are the endpoints that used internally by pods, External Endpoints are the endpoints access from external. So in this case, you can use to access bogateway.

As life always welcomed by various surprises, my first time deployment also comes with a lot unexpected issues. I will list down those issues and the solution I used to overcome those issues.

Pull your project image failed

When I deployed my project for the first time, the logs in my project’s pods show that failed to pull my project docker image even though I did push them to docker hub. After googled for solutions, it is an issue of minikube that failed to pull docker image when there is existing local build docker image. To overcome this issue, just open your <project>-deployment.yml that generated by jhipster kubernetes, then modified the imagePullPolicy value to IfNotPresent and deploy the project again.

Change the value in the red blanket

Insufficient CPU

There are two ways to handle this issue.

First method is add more resources for your docker, the screenshot is configuration in docker desktop.

Another method is add more nodes for your minikube by using minikube node add. More minikube node control can refer here.

External Endpoints Always Pending

If you are not using Ingress to load balance your minikube deployments, you have to run minikube tunnel to tunnel the minikube port with your local port.

Deployment on kind

Kind is another local kubernetes cluster that you can use to simulate deployment on kubernetes.

You can refer kind configuration at here

Before start the kind cluster, we have to add in configuration about port mapping that we need to test our project on local machine browser. Kind is different with minikube here (without Ingress), while minikube can use minikube tunnel to do port forwarding from clusters to local machine, you have to put your port mapping requirement in configuration when starting kind clusters. At current version (v0.11.0) of kind, real time update cluster configuration is not supported yet, so you have to prepare the configuration file and start cluster with the configuration. You can create your kind-config.yaml and copy the following configuration into the file.

# this config file contains all config fields with comments
# NOTE: this is not a particularly useful config file
kind: Cluster
apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4
# patch the generated kubeadm config with some extra settings
- |
apiVersion: kubelet.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: KubeletConfiguration
nodefs.available: "0%"
# patch it further using a JSON 6902 patch
- group: kubeadm.k8s.io
version: v1beta2
kind: ClusterConfiguration
patch: |
- op: add
path: /apiServer/certSANs/-
value: my-hostname
# 1 control plane node
- role: control-plane
- containerPort: 30950
hostPort: 8080

As showing in configuration file, we are mapping node’s port 30950 to host machine port 8080, so we need to update our deployment scripts to expose service on same node port too.

Modify your <project>-k8s/<project>-service.yml as below.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: bogateway
namespace: default
app: bogateway
app: bogateway
type: NodePort
- name: http
port: 8080
nodePort: 30950

The major changes are type and ports under spec. Note that the nodePort should same port number as containerPort inkind-config.yaml.

  1. Start your kind clusters
    kind create cluster — config kind-config.yaml
  2. Deploy your jhispter-registry
    kubectl apply -f .\registry-k8s\
  3. Deploy your project (I am using bogateway as example here)
    kubectl apply -f .\bogateway-k8s\

After deployment, you can use kubectl get pods and kubectl get services to check your pods and services status.

Once all pods are ready, you can open on your local machine’s browser to access bogateway.

To Be Continue…

We know how to deploy jhipster projects on local kubernetes now, before deploy to real kubernetes, I would like to explore on Ingress first since I found that’s quite a lot places mentioned this keyword. Please stay tuned for it.

